Dr Marlet Tromp

lets talk potential

When things just don’t fit

The most obvious way to find the “right person for the job” is to have a proper job description, right? Wrong. It seems that this common-sense approach to recruiting may be the single biggest obstacle to hiring the best person for a job, say Todd Rose and Ogi Ogas, authors of ‘The End of Average’,

Tips on connecting with clients

Face to face interaction with a client isn’t always an easy feat – here’s how to go beyond the sale and make a lasting impact. by SONJA RAATH  “To connect with potential clients and customers you need to recognise that satisfying their needs is what makes you successful,” says Claude Warner, an executive coach. “To

Stil die kritikus binne jou

Deur Machelene Joubert  As die stemmetjie sê: Geluk is nie vir jou beskore nie Sê vir die stemmetjie: Elke mens verdien geluk, ek ook Zane Green, ’n lewenstylgids, sê dat jou innerlike kritikus jou daarvan kan weerhou om volkome gelukkig en vervuld te wees. Gee jou binneste kritikus ’n naam. Dit sal jou help om aan

How to be more assertive

Being assertive won’t solve all your problems at the office. (Barry’s bad breath probably requires medical intervention.) But by standing up for yourself, you could sort out most of it. Many people believe that by being agreeable they can avoid conflict and build a network of alliances in the office. But being submissive, constantly having

Delegate your workload

by Gillian Bloch According to Johannesburg-based business coach, Dr Marlet Tromp, delegating allows leaders to focus on managerial tasks. Furthermore, “by delegating work, leaders empower their employees, giving them recognition, motivation and the opportunity to develop, grow, and influence decisions,” she says. She provides insight into effective delegation. Delegating pros and cons Delegating can build

A Description of Tswana Families in Bapong

Oliphant, E (Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg) and Tromp, M (Postgraduate student, Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg)   OPSOMMING  Intervensie modelle wat deur maatskaplike werkers in Suid-Afrika gebruik word is geskoei op Westers literatuur en navorsing. Daar is toenemend ‘n behoefte aan modelle wat uniek is en die komplekse Suid-Afrikaanse sisteem